Step by Step detailed guide to setup Apache Skywalking on kubernetes
This guide will be covering the setup of following components of skywalking version 8.5.0 on kubernetes.
- Backend
- Java Agent
- K8's monitoring
You can read more about the detailed concepts and design here.
- Access to working Kubernetes Cluster
- Helm Charts
- Working Java Application JDK 8–14(spring boot web)
Install Backend
Installing backend requires a storage to store its data and following are the supported storages. I’m using Elasticsearch in this guide.
- H2
- OpenSearch
- ElasticSearch 6, 7
- TiDB
- InfluxDB
- PostgreSQL
You can refer this link for more detailed guide on backend storage.
Clone the github repo
$ git clone
$ cd skywalking-kubernetes/chart
If you want to use the elasticsearch as storage you two options to choose
- skywalking helm chart comes with elasticsearch installation.
- you can also point to the skywalking configuration to existing running supported elasticsearch.
Run the following command the add and download the elastic helm charts
$ helm repo add elastic
$ helm dep up skywalking
Export the following variables
$ export SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAME=skywalking
Run the following command to Install Skywalking on kubernetes
--set oap.image.tag=8.5.0-es7 \
--set oap.storageType=elasticsearch7 \
--set ui.image.tag=8.5.0 \
--set elasticsearch.imageTag=7.5.1 \
--set elasticsearch.persistence.enabled=true
This following option will create the statefulset elasticsearch
--set elasticsearch.persistence.enabled=true
This option is to create the elasticsearch indexes name with given pattern
--set oap.env.SW_NAMESPACE=skywalking-dev
If you want to point skywalking to an existing running elasticsearch cluster. Edit the following file and skywalking-kubernetes/chart/skywalking/values-my-es.yaml
update the required configuration accordingly.
tag: 8.5.0-es7 # Set the right tag according to the existing Elasticsearch version
storageType: elasticsearch7ui:
tag: 8.5.0elasticsearch:
enabled: false
config: # For users of an existing elasticsearch cluster,takes effect when `elasticsearch.enabled` is false
http: 9200
user: "xxx" # [optional]
password: "xxx" # [optional]
and run the following command to install skywalking backend.
$ helm install "${SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAME}" skywalking -n "${SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAMESPACE}" -f ./skywalking/values-my-es.yaml
If the command is successful. you should see the following pods running.
➜ kubectl get pods -n skywalking
elasticsearch-master-0 1/1 Running 0 26h
elasticsearch-master-1 1/1 Running 0 26h
elasticsearch-master-2 1/1 Running 0 26h
skywalking-es-init-fccpx 0/1 Completed 0 26h
skywalking-oap-684d845ff8-bm5f7 1/1 Running 0 24h
skywalking-oap-684d845ff8-jkhkv 1/1 Running 0 24h
skywalking-ui-59b75cc6b8-56958 1/1 Running 0 26h
From here you can access the Skywalking UI by doing a port-forward.
➜ kubectl port-forward svc/skywalking-ui 8080:80 -n skywalking
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080
Handling connection for 8080
Handling connection for 8080
Setup Java Agent
Skywalking support many middleware servers, frameworks and libraries. In this example I will be using spring boot web application to integrate java agent.
Use this link to read more about the supported list
Download the java agent from here
Extract the tar file, Copy the required jar files from optional-plugins and bootstrap-plugins folder to plugins folder.
Build your java application(spring boot web) to generate a jar file using mvn command Maven
Following is the Dockerfile
FROM adoptopenjdk:11-jre-hotspot
# copy extracted agent folder from the downloaded archive
ADD agent /opt/agent# copy the jar file
COPY target/*.jar /app/application.jar WORKDIR /appENTRYPOINT ["java","-javaagent:/opt/agent/skywalking-agent.jar=agent.namespace=default,agent.service_name=example-spring-boot-app,collector.backend_service=skywalking-oap.skywalking.svc.cluster.local:11800,plugin.jdbc.trace_sql_parameters=true,","-jar","/app/application.jar"]
You can configure you agent in various ways
agent.service_name # name of your application to show on UI-javaagent:/opt/agent/skywalking-agent.jar path to your agent jar fileagent.namespace=default # kubernetes namespace where application is runningcollector.backend_service=skywalking-oap.skywalking.svc.cluster.local:11800 # address of skywalking oap backendplugin.jdbc.trace_sql_parameters=true # sql prepared statement will be collected # enable skywalking agent profiling
logging.dir # path where the agent logs will be stored. default is the agent directory
Following link contains more details on configuring the agent
Once you build the Dockerfile and deploy it to kubernetes. The agent should start collecting metrics and post it to the backend and the service will be available in the Skywalking UI.
Agent logs are located in agent directory /logs.
If the agent fails to connect to backend(oap). Make sure the oap is reachable on 11800 port.
Incase if you face any issues with agent started and having any issues with application you need to remove the bootstrap-plugins or the optional plugins
K8s Monitoring
SkyWalking leverages K8s kube-state-metrics and cAdvisor for collecting metrics data from the K8s, and leverages OpenTelemetry Collector to transfer the metrics to OpenTelemetry receiver and into the Meter System. This feature requires authorizing the OAP Server to access K8s’s API Server
We defined the k8s-cluster as a Service
in OAP, use k8s-cluster::
as a prefix to identify.
Defined the k8s-node as an Instance
in OAP, the name is k8s node name
Defined the k8s-service as an Endpoint
in OAP, the name is $serviceName.$namespace
Steps to configure K8s Monitoring in Skywalking
OpenTelemetry fetches data from kube-state-metrics and exports it to skywalking OAP
Install Kube-state-metrics
Run the following commands to install the kube-state-metrics helm chart.
$ helm repo add prometheus-community
$ helm repo update
$ helm install [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/kube-state-metrics
Install OpenTelemetry collector
This example manifests is provided by Apache Skywalking for quick start.
Download the manifest file otel-collector-config.yaml
$ wget
You need to update the scrape job config accordingly and also you need to update the exporters accordingly
endpoint: "skywalking-oap.skywalking.svc.cluster.local:11800" # The OAP Server address
insecure: true
Then run the kubectl apply command
$ kubectl apply -f otel-collector-config.yaml
Configure Skywalking OpenTelemetry Receiver
Following are the options to configure skywalking OpenTelemetry Receiver.
Note: This Change will require OAP to have access to kubernetes api to query the metadata. This option ( — set oap.envoy.als.enabled=true) will create required clusterrole, clusterrolebinding
--set oap.env.SW_OTEL_RECEIVER=default --set oap.env.SW_OTEL_RECEIVER_ENABLED_OC_RULES="k8s-cluster\,k8s-service\,k8s-node" --set oap.envoy.als.enabled=true
Once this is done you should see the k8s metrics in Skywalking UI.
Tip: If you don’t see the k8s tab open in private session or clear browser cache.
Skywalking Demo:
User: skywalking Password: skywalking
Skywalking support many other agents for different programming languages.